Thursday, 14 September 2017

Beeing the Difference

As 9KV continue to make great progress on our Bee The Difference project, we've just hit a major goal. We've sent out 30 packets of wildflower seeds and a letter explaining our projects to classes and people all over Aotearoa - from Kaitaia to Queenstown! We hope that the classes receiving them enjoy it, and we hope to hear back about how they got on with planting them! Please send us back postcards, comment on this or send emails through to our teacher at if you get the chance :)
Decorating the seed envelopes
Weighing out and packing the seeds
This was a real team effort - we decorated the seed envelopes with Ebony (thanks to Miss Read for supplying the tools!) , others wrote the letter (Tuhua, Wiremu and Rodney), helped design the logo (Aaron and Tipene), addressed all of the envelopes (Katerina), found new schools and helped map out where the seeds were going (Nadia), and packed the seeds (Kororia, Bella, Ebony and Katerina). One challenge we faced was making sure the seeds were sealed in the envelopes properly as some of the seeds are very small! Fingers crossed they get to where they're going ok.

The letters and seed envelopes getting ready to go
Our goal with this part of the project is to share how important bees are and to help make it easy for other people to get involved. Raising awareness is the goal. We'll also be planting some here at school to grow food for our own hives.

Our draft map - not including those going within Tāmaki Makaurau!
~Dhani and Richarn

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