Thursday, 7 September 2017

Developing beeswax lip balm!

Our challenge has been to try to make a lip balm using bees wax. We first researched recipes and methods, then came up with a plan that we wanted to try first. Our recipe so far has bees wax, coconut oil, shea butter and vitamin E. We are starting with lemon flavor, but think we can try to make others in the future. 

The process involves carefully weighing the ingredients, melting them carefully in a double boiler and then waiting for it to cool to add the lemon oil. Then we pour it into a small container to set.
Batch 1 - not perfect yet!
For the next batch we’re going to use the same recipe but add less coconut oil. The first batch was a bit too glossy and soft for our liking. For the beeswax we’re going to chop it up into smaller pieces and melt it first so it can melt faster - yesterday’s batch took up a whole period!

~ Kleeshay & Sharayah

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